In 2003, my life was abruptly changed when my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

As usual, my first approach was to learn all I could about the brain and how tumors are treated. After the surgery, I adopted the same research and science-based approach to know how I could help him manage his recovery while managing my own.

This research eventually led me to explore the complex relationship between chronic stress and chronic disease, how proper nutrition and mental health can heal the body, and so much more. My science-based approach to healing showed me the delicate relationship between our hearts and minds.

My belief in the importance of strong women’s communities, backed by research, led me to major in Sociology/Women’s Studies. I extended my studies to include Applied Compassion Training at The Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.

Eventually, I was inspired to develop this science-based, live-coaching program by using compassion to positively impact women’s quality of life (QOL). Women around the world are caring for parents, kids, grandkids, spouses, and friends. My goal is to demonstrate that you can be proactive in self-care while negotiating tragedy and overcoming it stronger and wiser. Together, women can change their level of happiness on a global scale.

Drawing from the conceptual framework of the Quality of Life Research Unit at Toronto University; the IQOL Theory: An Integrative Theory of Global Quality of Life Concept; and the studies at the University of Tokyo as well as the models of Denmark, Finland, and Norway (all who hold the title for being the happiest places to live).

Through this intense research, I began to see how QOL was conceptualized and manifested. We can explore and achieve happiness by utilizing applied compassion and the three keystones of Being, Becoming, and Belonging found throughout multiple studies on quality of life.

Our hearts and brain must be aligned to improve our quality of life.

Only through this alignment can compassion be fueled, and real, long-lasting change can occur.

Her For Her® is a fusion of my lifelong research passion and commitment to women. Her for Her is built on Applied Compassion, Mindfulness, and Heartfulness, and its goal is to positively impact the quality of life for women globally.

Education and science-based approaches are at the core of our work. Please join us in our workshops, courses, events, coaching, storytelling, and creation circles.