Words & Stories

I wholeheartedly believe that words have power and energy, and when they are put together with loving-kindness, words tell stories. I write to share my stories in hopes of connecting with women that I may never in my lifetime have an opportunity to meet. I hope that my words help you in some way that they encourage you and remind you that you’re not alone.

More than anything, I hope my stories are an example of the powerful connection of the human spirit.  My stories may be raw, they may be edgy with a sprinkle of humor, but I promise you they will always be honest. Saying that I’m not looking for approval, I’m not looking for somebody to tell me it’s going to be OK. I want to have a conversation, I want to share, and I want to hear your stories. Why? Because I believe we are more connected and more like than this world would have us believe.

I will close by saying this, all the beautiful, wonderful, quirky things that make you, you;  those things are your superpower.  You don’t need to prove yourself; you are already enough, so go out in the world and shine bright- don’t worry about the noise from other people. You got this!

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